How to Install ShockTamer

Always mount with the black frame to the shoe. Standard, Large, and Rim ShockTamer hoof pads are installed in the normal way, either individually or in combination with other pads or devices. They may be easily cut, nipped, or rasped to size. Many Farriers find it convenient to rivet the heels. The center of a Standard or Larger Shocktamer pad may be cut to form an open pad, but the arched rim of the black frame must remain intact to provide shock dissipation.

If a full ShockTamer hoof pad is used, one or two ¼” vent holes may be drilled in the center to allow for air exchange. Keep debris from getting under the pad is as simple as putting ½” of good quality silicone caulk in the heel area.

Try this with only a Shocktamer Pad. Drive a standard horseshoe nail into any Shocktamer, and remove the nail (tight, isn’t it?). Wait 30 seconds and reinsert a smaller nail into the first hole. It will feel the same as the bigger nail. Now try the same test with other pads and see what nail expansion is all about. ShockTamers plastic polymers were chosen to address resilience and durability to keep their shape and effectiveness even in the hottest and coldest weather.